Sunday, February 16, 2014

OCA president speaks . . . well, not really

Joe Pavia thought he was finally going to get the word from the horse's mouth, so to speak, when he had a chance to chat with OCA president Ian McGillis on Saturday. The president was out watching the Colts competition and agreed to a brief chat with Pavia, who writes for the Ottawa Sun and has a blog at 

However, the conversation was brief and reinforced the fact that McGillis, and by association the OCA, doesn't want to talk about how its members are getting the short end of the stick. Here's a brief example from Joe's blog, wherein the president basically says :

I asked him how this dispute showed the positive side of Ontario curling if curlers are denied the possibility to advance to national competition. He replied that I should ask the CCA that question. 
When asked if he had received feedback from his members he said yes. When asked what he said to them he remarked that the response was between him and the members. 
When asked what is so secret that his members can’t even know what is going on, the president said it was between the OCA and CCA.
I'm not really sure what to say anymore. I'm really sort of dumbfounded. I realize that McGillis is a volunteer and he's probably a really nice guy. I've never met him. But this is ridiculous. Again.

So to catch up, here is my blog on what's at the root of this matter.

And here's the post on how the CCA has reportedly called for a meeting to suspend the OCA, effectively saying they are no longer recognized as the governing body of curling in Ontario.

Stay tuned. I'm sure there's going to be more nonsense in this before too long.

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